It’s a New Year!

I thought I would write a quick post to say Hi and give a big, warm welcome to new followers.  I hope the new year is off to a fantastic start for everyone.

I’ve had the luxury of being a little lax the last two months..  The added task of homeschooling our two grands last semester prompted me to put my Etsy shop in vacation mode, and step away from my glass work so I could get ready for Christmas.  I’m back to Etsy now, but with another semester started, new designs will be minimal for a while.

With the holidays behind us, I’m more than ready to start working on a new upcycled or repurposed project.  I’ve pulled some interesting pieces in from the garage, but haven’t had the chance to get going on anything yet. But, very soon!

We framed a large piece of beautiful glass for my wall last week. It’s been one of those things on the “to do “ list forever, so it really feels good to finally see it done. It’s nothing extraordinary, but I like it.  It has a little story behind it that offers me at least something to share with you.

My sister spied a large gorgeous piece of glass at an auction we attended a couple years ago and pointed it out to me.  As soon as I saw it, I knew who would be taking it home with them.  I sat near it so I wouldn’t miss it when it came up; I was going to be a serious bidder. I can’t remember what amount the auctioneer started at, but I waited as he worked his way down to $2.50, then held my number up. I was on the edge of my seat, prepared to keep bidding, and nothing happened.  I got that sweet thing for $2.50!  It really made my night!

When I got home, I stood it behind a tall cabinet in my work area to protect it until I could get it in a frame.  And, LOL, that’s where it has been all this time, until last week.  Funny how some of the simplest projects can take the longest to accomplish.

My husband made a long frame from ripped lumber.  We screwed and glued the corners because the glass is quite heavy. The frame was painted a pale gray with speckles, but it looks white in the finished picture. 

I guess that’s all I have for now.  I promise to try and step up my game for the next post. 🙂

Take Care All , I’ll be back …..