Inventory Sale Review Part 1

I’m back with the long neglected review of the inventory sale I had last spring. It’s a little different from other posts I’ve written, but we’ll give it a go.

Ready, and wanting, to move on to new things, the main goal was to clear my garage of all the lamp pieces, salt/pepper shakers, and other bits and bobs I had collected over the years; offering some finished pieces and lots of parts for others to create their own.

Here’s a glimpse at a small portion of piles as we sorted.

There’s quite a few pictures so I thought it best to break this into a couple of posts with no detailed tutorials. Things are similar to past projects and created with the stacking method on a threaded rod as I always liked to do, as well as the same cleaning and finishing process, etc.

Last April, I was making what I called display trays.  and . They were a ton of fun to make so I made some more.  To keep things short and simple I’m going to post a picture of the completed item and the layout of the pieces (if I have it) in the order they were used so you can see how it went together.  My hope is just to inspire since the use of salvaged and found materials would make exact duplication impossible.

A salt shaker topper was a perfect fit for the first one.

A clear glass lamp piece was used to top off another one. Regretfully, I haven’t any pictures for this one and can’t remember what was used to fill the cavity of the pan underneath. I’m thinking maybe an upturned zinc canning lid with a hole drilled in it, but I’m not sure.

I couldn’t pass up the chance to play with the pie pans I had collected before they got away from me.  Some good looking conduit, salvaged from something taken apart ages ago, covered the center threaded rod nicely.  

Two small brass lamp pieces added between the conduit and the surfaces of the pans not only hid the raw edges of the conduit but helped provide sturdiness.  As shown below, the larger of the brass lamp pieces has a ridge and gives the capped conduit a place to seat.

Well, I think I’m calling that a wrap for Part One. I hope it wasn’t too boring, I tried hard to keep it short. I’ll be back soon with pictures of the garden chandeliers and stakes in Part Two. 🙂

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Stay Well and Stay Safe Friends!